Sunday, January 26, 2020
Domestic Violence Against Women In Sri Lanka Sociology Essay
Domestic Violence Against Women In Sri Lanka Sociology Essay Woman is more fitted than man to make exploration and take bolder action in nonviolence There is no occasion for women to consider themselves subordinate or inferior to men.Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably mans superior.If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with women Traditionally Sri Lankan society held women in high esteem though the society was a man dominated. During last few decades it appeared that this situation has been changed and violence against women is increasing rapidly in Sri Lanka as same as the other countries in the world. The first place from where it starts the violence against women is the household where we are living. Among the other form s of violence domestic violence has the top in Sri Lanka. There fore, violence against women has become an issue which needs a quick and definite solution. Most of the people in our society think that domestic violence is a matter that should not revile to the out of the family. Hence domestic violence subsided for a long time without a solution. However it has been formed new legislation for the domestic violence in year 2005. But domestic violence has been increased more than before. This research is aimed at analyzing the possibilities of recurrence of the degrading process of inhuman. Domestic violence against women is mostly based on gender. The team gender mean different things to different people. The world gender comes from the world gender, this, in turn, comes from Latin genus. Both words mean kind, type or sort. 7. This difference in their behavior, attitudes and values that is superimposed on their biological sex is what is meant by them gender. Hence in other words, gender refers to a set of qualities and behavior expected from a female or a male by the society. Biological sex is quite different from gender, as it refers to aspect of the body such as the genitals, hair growth genetic make- up and or hormones. According to the gender characterizations superimposed by society, 8. Male are expected to have the qualities of Devious, Fearless, Impulsive, Honest, Tough, Violent, Heard working, Opportunistic, Insensitive, Extrovert, Dominating, Independent and female are expected to have different qualities as Emotional, Week, Beautiful, Sacrificing, Nurturing, Submissive, Shy, Calm, Polite, Sensitive, Cunning, Soft, Introvert, Compassionate, Enduring, Fearful, Quite, Timid, Tolerant, Dependent 10. These characteristics attribute to each gender are possibly satisfactory from the point of view of the society as a hole. However, when one considers from the point of view of the individual of either genders, it may not be so. Impact sometimes it could be even harmful. Similarly, there are many instances of traditionally imposed characteristics which are disadvantages to the women as well. This is more so in patriarchal societies like ours. 12. It is traditionally accepted that female should do the cooking, looking after the house etc, while the man works in the field. This is satisfactory as long as there is mutual understanding between the women and the man and the decision had been arrived at by mutual consent. Often it is not so. The role of the female has been thrust upon her and she is obliged to perform it even when she is pregnant or ill. It is this traditional compartmentalization of these roles according to gender attributes determined by the society that leads to problems. DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 13. Domestic violence is defined as an abuse of power perpetrated mainly by men against women. The most commonly acknowledge forms of domestic violence are physical and sexual violence, threats and intermediation, emotional and economic abuse. PHYSICAL ABUSE 14. Physical abuse can include slapping, punching, beating, shoving. It can include attempts to harm the victim with weapons, like knives, sticks, or other items found lying in the home. In extreme cases firearms, may also be used to threatened and/ or helm the victim. SEXUAL ABUSE 15. Sexual abuse includes rapes, physically attacking a woman sexual body parts preventing the victim from using birth control and/ or safe sex practices. Rape is forcing woman to have sex against their will, which in many cases involves violence. In all cases it is a violation of an individuals rights her body. EMOTIONAL ABUSE 16 Emotional abuse can includes all intentional attempts to minimize the victims concerns and to make them feel back. Humiliating the victim in front of the other people, family and friends is a common way, this is achieved. PSYCOLOGICAL ABUSE 17. Psychological abuse can include any threats that are made or carried out with the intent of financial or emotional injury, blackmail or humiliation. Threat may be made to take the children away from the woman. ECONOMIC ABUSE 17. Economic abuse creates financial dependence. The victim can have her money taken away by her abuser, forcing her to have to ask for money whenever she needs any thing. INTIMIDIATION 18. Intimidation as a form of abuse can include making the women afraid by using looks, action and gestures, by destroying their property, or by displaying weapons. ISOLATION 19 Isolation can be used to control and limit what the woman does. Whom they see and where they go. The abuser may prevent them from seeing family and friends. USING PRIVILEGE TO CONTROL 20. Using privilege to control is also a Form of abuse. By treating a woman like a servant and having the last word about everything, the abuser is acting like master of the castle. He is defining and rigidly abiding by the traditional roles of men and women THE AGGRIEVED MAY BE a. he father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, stepfather or stepmother b. the son, daughter, grandson, or grand daughter, stepson, stepdaughter c. the brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, step-brother, step-sister d. brother or sister of parent (an uncle or aunt) e. child of a brother or sister f. The child of brother or sister of parent DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAN BE CAUSED BY the spouse b. the ex-spouse c. the cohabiting partner d. parent REASONS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Drunkenness of the aggressor 9. This is a major reason for subjecting wives to domestic violence. Alcohol appears to be the most proximate cause for many type of violence particularly in the rural areas where illicitly brewed alcohol is available in plenty. This is particularly a cause for incest where the father who is drunk, with all his animal instincts bared ,sexually harassed the young and innocent daughter, often with no mother to protect her as she has gone away to earn for the family. Anger 10. Another reason given after battering women by husband ids that. They got angry and beat the wife. The responsibility is given back to the women for irritating him and making him an angry. The common preventive measure prescribe to the wife is not to irritate the husband. Often no advice is given to the husband. However there is no justification whatsoever to convert anger in to violence which makes someone else suffer. It is said that conquer angry by love, conquer evil by good. Financial problems 11. Unemployment, less salaries or wages, housing problems are course to create domestic violence because inability to afford the expenses of the family, still the dowry is also course to create violence. Cycle of the violence 12. The person who has subjected to violence in his childhood or who experienced the violence from their parents can behave as their parents Incense by the victim 13. Sometimes the victims incense their husbands unnecessarily Societal factors creating with the family 14. Mistakes occurs day to day workings of women in the household; problems of children, misunderstandings of the relations of the wife or husband, have subjected to create violence against women. Sexual problems 15. Suspicion of the husband regarding his wife and assuming that an affair has been built his wife with another person, and refusing sexual behaviors of husband when he want are also coursed to create violence against women Cultural factors 16. Dislike to holding key appointments by wife and confine her to the household is also a major problem Structural inequalities 17. Supremacy of men in the household is also caused to create violence against women Extra marital affairs beyond wife or husband CHAPTER STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. Even though traditionally Sri Lankan society holds women in high esteem, it is a favorable increase of domestic violence against women in Sri Lanka. Although enough lows and legislations have been formed in time to time it is not appeared that a decrease of domestic violence against women. 2. Domestic violence is the first action which occurs among the members of a family in side a house hold. This includes various forms of sexual harassments as same as other form of physical harassment, oral or mental abuses. Generally it is not reported mental harassments but it occurs more than other form of harassments with in a household. 3. The domestic violence which takes place in a household mostly targets the women. Domestic violence against women usually does not occur in public. In the public Ladies first is the abstract. Hence it is not detected domestic violence because it appears that all are giving due respect for women. 4. Even though the government and some non government organizations have collected data on this issue they could not be able to make a effective solution for preventing domestic violence against women. JUSTIFICATION 5. Women have to face various type of violence for the sake of being born a woman. This study is mainly focused on ascertaining the reasons for violation against women in Sri Lanka and to make recommendations to overcome the problem. Research findings and recommendations could be vital to the government and respective authorities to make effective solutions to eliminate this violence. A proper analysis carried out may uncover avenues to assist measures in preventing domestic violence against women. 6. Hence, this research could be used to arrive at viable solutions on the issue of domestic violence against women. Later the remedial measures may be included in the national policies depending on the relevance and validity. SCOPE OF THE STUDY 7. There are so many aspects in domestic violation against women. The scope of the study is to find why these things happen and what precautions that can be taken to prevent the domestic violence against women. GENERAL OBJECTIVE 8. To developing a well-mannered family and it adopted to build up a well-mannered nation SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 9. Specific objectives are as follows; To find reasons for the violence and type of violence take place To suggest solutions to prevent domestic violence against women To study the ability to practice the solutions in Sri Lanka To analyze the statistical data HYPOTHESIS 10. Domestic violence against women is unable to prevent by the Law with out making an environment that promote to perform obligations of each others of the family. METHODOLOGY 11. This study will be mainly based on the primary data, which will be collected through questionnaires from a random sample of women to collect the qualitative data and it is to be used the data that has been collected from government and non government organizations concerned this problem in hall the island. The information drawn from the above methods will be used to finalize the report to prove or disprove the hypothesis drawn from the research. CHAPTER III PAST AND THE PRESENT Sri Lankan society has built on Buddhist culture since 2500 years ago. The basic teaching of Buddhism, salvation by ones own effort put forward the spiritual equality of all beings irrespective of gender. Singalowada Sutra at Sutra Pitakaya has defined obligations of a husband and as same as a wife to perform for each others. That taught to respect each others in the family. After introducing open economy, social values which gained from Buddhism have been loosed. It is started to import various goods and services. It created a consumer society in Sri Lanka. Wants of the people were increased. To adapt this society and fulfill these wants women also have to employ to earn money. Further the women has bee used a commercial dummy. This system very much cute to give some mental bribes to women who were missed their social values on money and introduced women rights in lieu of the obligations women. Women are experiencing to win their rights but the love from his husbands .Obligations of husband and only the rights of wives were remained. As a result of this situation, it started to destroy the picture which had drawn in our mind set as a mother, sister, wife and daughter and the violence against women were increased. At present in Sri Lanka, it was estimated that around 60% of women are subjected to domestic violence.* CHAPTER VI LEGISLATIONS TO PROTECT VICTIMS 1. It had not certain legislation for domestic violence in Sri Lakethe penal Code also does not have respective provisions with regard to domestic violence against women. Therefore victims of the domestic violence has to be consider under other general section like section 324- assault or section 311- causing grievous hurt. Although the amendment s to the penal code in 1995 expanded the definition of grievous hurt it did not take in violence against women as a crime. This amendment also did not concern victims who may have suffered only light injuries and those subjected to emotional abuse which exactly points to the entry not decisive by its CEDAE obligations. 2. However the Act made favorable provision in year 2005. The newly passed law on domestic violence is an act to provide for the prevention of any act of domestic violence which may be either physical abuse or emotional abuse between two people who are related. The provision of domestic violence act no 34 of 2005 specify the degrees of relationship. 3. This law is a civil remedy and is gender natural and does not disturb the criminal law remedies as it is not an alternative to the criminal process. This law focuses on ensuring the safety of the aggrieved party. To obtain a protection order you need to apply to the Magistrate Court. You can submit your application through an Attorney at Law or personally or through a Police Officer. 4. Any person against whom an act of domestic violence has been committed or likely to be committed may make an application. Such a person is referred to as an aggrieved person under this Act. An application should be made to the Magistrates Court with in that jurisdiction the aggrieved person resides or the relevant person resides or the act of domestic violence took place. Up on receiving such application the court can consider the application and determine whether an interim protection order is urgently needed to ensure the protection of the aggrieved party Domestic Violence and Women Health 1. Violence as defined by WHO is the intentional use of physical force or power ,threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that either result in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death physical harm, mal development or deprivation 2. The victim s women tend to have many disorder which, when considered superficially, do not appear to be connected to violence. A WHO study done recently identified following complications that could be associated with violence. Bleeding during pregnancy 3. It is now that physical assault can cause bleeding in pregnancy due to partial separation of the after birth (placenta), while the baby is still with in the womb. Low birth weight 4. There are instance where the mothers deliver babies with lower weight than respective their maturity. These babies too face risks the mental stress that the mother undergoes due to violence, effects of passive smoking through husbands smoking are factors leading to the effects of assault. Lack of attention and care 5. It is often seen that the mothers who are victims of violence tend to attend antenatal clinics late or not attend such clinics at all. This late or non attendance is seen at the maternal death reviews where each maternal death is looked into in detail. This leads to not getting necessary care and changing attitudes that permit such abuse, developing legal and policy frameworks to prohibit and reject it, and improving womens access to economic recourses and girls access to education. CHAPTER V THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN Children may test their parent by behaving badly. Children are dependent on adults to tell them what is right and wrong. Children need to feel loved, accepted and safe in their family. This means living in a home where there is no uncertainty when violence may erupt. Children try to make sense out of what happens in the world; to believe that there is a reason for what happens. This may lead them to feel that it is mothers fault that she is beaten. They may think that it is their fault. They may feel guilty that they cannot help parents. They may take fathers side because they feel safer to be on the side of power. This may happen more with male children. Though children rose in violent homes are at risk for perpetrating or experiencing violence in their adulthood. CHAPTER VII THE WAY THE BUDDHIST TEACHINGS 5. Buddhism condemns any form of violence in no uncertain terms. Buddhist teaching Buddhist teaching extends beyond the universals Buddhist concept of ahimsa or non violence and provides directions for the lay followers to live a happy, peaceful and fruitful life with out conflicts in the family with in the boundaries of dharma. 6. When one considers the fundamental principals elaborated in Buddhism, one cannot see a gender distinction. The three universal characteristics (tilakkana) which are anicha, dukka, anathema are common to both genders alike. The Ariya Attangika Magga, the path that is to be followed for emancipation, is available to both genders and it is to be followed in the same manner by both genders. Hence emancipation or Nibbana is common and is attainable by both genders that follow the right path. When facts are so, the logical conclusion is that, in Buddhism there is no gender equality. However, when it comes to interpretation of the Buddhist doctrinal issues, at times, this fundamental Buddhist social principle is not very clearly presented. The attitudes towards gender as depicted in the Pail Canon reflect the attitude towards gender with in the society at the time of the Buddha, as well as the Buddhist attitudes towards it. It is also accepted that there are contributions from sources ot her than the Buddha eighth in the Canon 7. When we are analyzing the problem of domestic violence against women it appears that the fault is always transferred only towards the men. All the good men and women raised their fingers towards men. Actually this society is a man dominated society. Men always try to maintain the supremacy. Further he has got some strength more than woman by the nature. The true love can collapse these barrios to live together for man and woman until the end of the life. But unfortunately the social system which we have to face restrict to the peace of the family. Therefore both man and women should have responsibilities and obligations for each others to strengthen their family. The Lord Buddha preaches following responsibilities and obligations for the exemplary family. Five Kinds of Duty for a Husband à à à à à a. A husband must be kind to and adore his wife à à à à à b. He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner. à à à à à c. He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women. à à à à à d. He must give her control and authority over domestic matter. à à à à à e. He must provide his wife with garments and ornaments. Five Kinds of Duty for a Wife à à à à à a. A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly. à à à à à b. She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husbands relatives. à à à à à c. She must not engage in sexual misconduct wife other men. à à à à à d. She must keep and maintain all things orderly that are handed over by her husband. à à à à à e. She must be skillful and diligent in all her house works. 8. If this code of conduct is adhered to there is no room for domestic violence to occur. But what usually happens is completely disregarding thee need to remind men of their deities CHAPTER VIII ANALYSIS 1. At present there is no systematic mechanism for data collection in relation to the prevalence, causes and consequences of violence against women and there are no disaggregated statistics available concerning intimate partner violence. However records of complaints to womens organization assisting women affected by domestic violence, police statistics and newspaper reports suggest a higher prevalence of intimate partner violence. Recent studies on this subject estimate the prevalence to be between 18.3% and 60% in Sri Lanka. Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Incidences 791 895 1020 1208 1514 2015 2688 3154 3207 3612 4523 2. Following statistics in respect of domestic violence against women in whole the island receive from Women In Need (WIN), which provides free counseling and legal advice to victims of domestic violence shows an idea of resent trend of violence against women in Sri Lanka. 3. Above chart shows that the number of personnel who has got leagle advises from Women in Need each years. It clearly indicate that the number of personnel who have got advices for domestic violence from Women in Need has increased rapidly year by year. 4. Although the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act came in to operation from 3rd October 2005 it appearse that problrems regarding domestic violence against women. Actually it has been increased. Therefore it is difficult to say that the law is an effective one to prevent domestic violence against women in Sri Lanka. Legal Advices Colombo Kandy Matara Badulla Anuradapura Jaffna Puttalam New 1844 627 422 396 265 31 282 Repeat 2679 316 2028 1015 1009 242 315 Total 4523 943 2450 1411 1274 273 597 5. The chart shows that the number women who faced domestic violence and request consultant from the Women in Need from January to October in year 2009. 4523 person have got consult and Most of them have got consultant at the repeat list. If there is a new provision in the law to solve domestic violence against women and they have got legal consultations why they came again and again to get legal consultation is a problem. 6. According to the questioners it appears that Sri Lankan women dont like to tell their problems out of the household and they always think about the future their children. Most of the women married with love affairs and someone married with out the authority of their parents. Therefore they have a problem to tell even their parents. 7. After established the prevention of domestic violence against Act Child and women bureau has started to get entries regarding domestic violence. But in 2009 only the 236 incidents were reported and 55 incidents have been reported from January to September in 2010 in the entire Island. CHAPTER IX RECOMMENDATIONS 1. After introducing liberalization policies in year 1977 in Sri Lanka media played tremendous role to change attitudes of the nation towards traditional women and to collapse her traditional values. Hence it has been proved that the media can do a major role to change attitudes of the nation. Therefore it is recommended to use media on the authority of the government to create well planed public awareness program to respect all women as a mother. 2. Another responsible party is business world who sole women in Sri Lanka with their goods and services by advertisement. Therefore it is recommended to contribute them to make a social marketing campaign to change attitudes of the nation towards women as a must. 3. Government should take an action to cohabit Tele-dramas which make people to experiencing hate to each others. 4. It is recommended to start school level awareness programs to educate girls and boys regarding the expected qualities of male and female and to teach to patience others opinions. Buddhist and other religious teachings regarding the family life and obligations of each person who are playing a separate role with in a family should be thought. Through this awareness programs it is able to deliver these massages to their parents also. 5. Police or the respective authorities should make a mechanism to collect data with regard to the complaint of domestic violence against women separately and d. 6. Awareness programs should plane for the public to inform quickly regarding domestic violence incidences that take place in the next door to the police and obtain their assistance immediately. 7. Domestic violence should be considered as a health issue and specialist doctors should attached to the hospitals to treat victims of domestic violence. Police officers who got complaints of the victims of violence should educate and trained to treat them in a supportive manner. 8. The education system that has been focused only to the examinations and competition should change and should buildup a nation who has humanity. 9. Try to provide care for them with emotionally sound adults with whom they can relate. 10. It will help them to see adults who can settle differences without abuse or violence. It is important for them to see adults who respect each other. 11. Accept that you are not perfect. Do not feel guilty about it. Keep doing your best and be open to change and learning new ways. 12. Remember that your children need to be able to depend on you. Dont depend on them to act as your partner. Let them to be dependent. Encourage them to have friends and activities in a new community as soon as you settle. Friendship can help them to regain security. They need to belong too. 13. At past Sri Lankans has experienced to go to temple to solve their problems because they know that the venerable monks have solutions all the problems they have. There fore people got solutions with out bias for anyone. Hence again it is useful l to start that past experience. CHAPTER X CONCLUSION 1. Four type of married life is described In the Pathama Sutra Sanvasa Sutra of the Anguttara Nikaya. a. Foolish man with foolish women b. Foolish man with a goddess c. A Good with foolish women d. A good with a Goddess 2. The last being the best and is being encouraged. 3. It is important to note that in this sutra, the qualities of man and women have been giving equal prominence and in no way the man considered superior. Further this sutra explains how the ideal wife and husband could continue their relationship to the next birth. 4. If both have equal saddha, sila, cage and panna, they will meet in the next birth too. 5. As shown as the data analysis it is unable to prevent domestic violence but punish someone aggressor who committed a violence by the law. According to this Analysis only way that can prevent Domestic violence against women is fulfilling obligations described in this research to each others. Therefore a government also should have an obligation to create a fair environment with in the country to make well mannered nation without violence.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The War of the Roses
The War of the Roses was a series of dynastic civil wars fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. Theses two houses fought for the English throne, and both thought it was theirs to take. The houses both claimed the throne due to the fact that they had decent through the sons of Edward Ill. So they both felt that they were deserving of the throne. This wasn't the first or the last time that these two houses fought each other, but this was by far their biggest encounter. One reason that these two started fghting was the aftermath of the Hundred Years War.The inancial and social troubles hit hard and they thought they could do better Job running things. People during this time started to panic and they all wanted a piece of the pie. Prior to the war, heirs to the throne started dying so the number of aristocrats started dropping slowly. Some people suggest that the English aristocracy was destroyed due to the War of the Roses, but I would argue differently. The fact that all these men were fghting over the throne does suggest that there were some deaths, but I don't believe that it was the cause of the removal of the English aristocracy.Before I make my argument on why I believe the aristocracy was not destroyed by the War of the roses, I want to give a brief outline of the war. The hostility rose after the death of Henry V and the infant Henry VI was in line to take over. Richard, Duke of York, challenged the right of Henry VI's crown because he wanted it for himself. He had descent through Edward Ill's surviving sons. There is evidence that shows how important the throne was to the people during this time and they were willing to do anything to try and get it. There was obviously some history behind the people who fought in the war and how the title of the war was amed.The Heraldic badges that associated themselves with the two houses, York and Lancaster, were roses. The House of York was a white rose and the House of Lancaster was a red rose . Early in the conflict, the York picked the white rose as their symbol, but the Lancaster rose was not introduced until after Henry Tudor won the battle of Bosworth. So the war was not called ââ¬Å"War of the Rosesâ⬠until years later after the war. During the war the participants wore badges to show which lord or patron that they were associated with. One example of this that I read was the white boar of Richard Ill worn by the Yorkist army.The houses were named after the cities York and Lancaster of course, but the houses didn't have much to do with the city it was named after. The House of Lancaster was established in 1399 by Henry of Bolingbroke. Henry of Bolingbroke was later crowned as Henry IV after he deposed his cousin Richard II. The next Lancaster king was Henry V and he died in 1422, but there was some hostility on who would take over the crown. When Henry V died he only had an infant son to take over. This is when Richard Ill challenged Henry VI's right to the cr own like I mentioned before.Richard Ill was a very powerful man and eld very important offices within the state. This was the first political disagreement between the two houses and the beginning ofa feud that would start a war. In 1453 Henry VI (by now he was old enough to take the throne) went into insanity. ââ¬Å"Henrys condition was non-violent: as a result of depressive stuper he lost control of his limbs York, to take over as the protector of the realm. Henry recovered in 1455 and took over his duties, which forced York to take up arms of self-protection. The fighting started with the battle of St.Albans in 1455. ââ¬Å"Their numbers were vaguely estimated t 3000 men, while the Duke of Norfolk and other friends were hastening to their aid; the Kings force was estimated at 2000 men. ââ¬Å"2 Richard, Duke of York and the Earl of Warwick defeated the Lancastrians who was led by Edmund. Edmund was the Duke of Somerset, and he played an important role before the war for the Lanca strians. He was killed in this battle and Henry VI was captured which resulted in Richard being appointed Lord Protector. The queen, Margaret of Anjou, kept pushing the Lancastrians to challenge the York House.Things were pretty quite over the next few years, but it started heating back up in 1459. York and his followers were forced out of the country, but he would retaliate sooner than people thought he would. One of his strongest followers invaded England and captured Henry at the Battle of Northampton. The heavy rain played in the favor of the Earl of Warwick during this battle and capturing Henry was much easier than people think. This battle resulted in four years of truce between the two houses, but they still didn't like the other one.There wasn't any major conflict during this time, but it was still uneasy between them. The civil wars between the two houses continued in 1459. York returned to the country becoming the Protector of England, but was not able to take the throne. York moved north with his son Edmund, but the Lancastrian nobles surprised and killed both of them in the Battle of Wakefield. The Lancastrian army went south afterwards but was unsuccessful in the taking of London. York had an eldest son named Edward, Earl of March, who was later named King Edward IV.He was best known for winning the Battle of Towton. In Anthony Goodman's book he states, ââ¬Å"At Towton Edward could muster probably fewer than half the peers that Henry could. ââ¬Å"3 This goes to show ow big of a victory it was for Edward. He crushed the Lancastrian army in March 1461 by gathering the Yorkist armies resulting in a strong force that was too much to handle for the Lancaster's. It was the bloodiest battle of the war, which resulted in Henry, Margaret, and their son fleeing to Scotland. The next series of battles was over disputes within the Yorkists ranks.Warwick and his followers felt like they were a powerful group, and when they got looked over at Edward's court, it didn't make them very happy. Warwick didn't agree with a foreign policy that the king was putting n place and the tension grew greater. This resulted in another civil war in 1469, where Warwick and the Duke of Clarence instigated risings in the north. Then they defeated the kings supporters at Edgecote. There he held Edward prisoner, but nothing really came out of it. Edward had regained control by 1470 and made Warwick and Clarence fled to France. While in France, they allied themselves with Louis X'.Here is where things get a little tricky because they also allied themselves with their former enemy Margaret of Anjou. Working together, they went back to England in September of 1470. There, they forced Edward out of his throne and restored the crown to Henry VI. After being stripped of the crown, Edward fled out of England to the Netherlands with his supporters. There he got Burgundian aid and returned to England a year later. Edward outsmarted Warwick due to the fact that he kn ew the land, and talked Clarence into Joining his side. Then he easily defeated that Warwick was defeated and her and her son fled west to the safety of Wales.Edward anticipated that Margaret would do this and beat her there. She was captured as a prisoner, and her supporters were defeated. There her son was killed and Margaret didn't have much power or support after these series of events. Very soon after these events, Henry VI was murdered in the Tower of London. It is thought that Henry heard of the death of his son, and when Edward IV was re-crowned, he ordered Henrys death. Edward's throne was secure for the rest of his life and was never challenged or taken away. When Edward died in 1483, hostility begins again.Richard Ill took over the throne and he first moved to prevent the unpopular Woodville family of Edward's widow from participating in the government. Richard sed the suspicious Edward IVs marriage as pretext. To stop Richard, Henry Tudor (a distant relative of the Lanca strian king) was brought in and defeated him at Bosworth. He was then crowned Henry VI', and married Elizabeth of York to unite the two rival houses. Yorkist revolted and these were the last few battles of the war, but nothing really came out of it. These battles weren't very big or important; it was Just the fact that the Yorkist were upset that they were united.Many historians like to believe that the Wars of the Roses were the result of the English aristocracy being destroyed. After reading material on these wars and reading Kington Oliphant's article, I can't help but to think otherwise. According to Oliphant there are 27 historic houses. â⬠There are about twenty-seven great historic houses that belong to the former division, if we adopt a fair test for the term ââ¬Å"Historic House,â⬠and excluede from it all those families which have not held an Earldom in the male line continuously for at least one hundred years, or thereabouts, before the Reformation. 4 The house s in the 13th century really started getting recognized, and this is the period that begins hostility between houses. This also is the period that you see a rapid decline in houses. â⬠The Earls of Albermarle had died out so early as the Twelfth Century, and four great historic Earldoms dropped in the Thirteenth. The Century of Edward the Third swept away at least seven Norman Houses of the very first class; amoun which were those of Clare, Bigod, and Bohun,- names intertwined with the brightest achievements of our early history.In the first and more peaceful part of Henry the Sixth's reign, before Englishman had dreamt of civil war, the process of decay was Just as rapid. The last Mortimer, Earl of March, the rightful heir o the crown died a prisoner in 1424; the last Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, was struck down by a cannon ball at the siege of Orleans, not long before the appearance of the immortal Maid; the last Beauchamp, Duke of Warwick, passed away in 1445. ââ¬Å"5 So w hat Oliphant is getting to is the fact that there were 12 houses that were already disappeared before the war even started.Well you might ask well there are still a number of houses to be counted for during the war so what is your point? Well from the start of the war (1455) to the end of the war (1487) there were a number of ouses that died that was unrelated to the war. Oliphant mentions the houses that died during the war but not because of the war. ââ¬Å"Foremost in this category comes the name of Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of the realm, who died in 1475. To this we may add the less known names of Bromflete, Harington, Scales, and Sudeley. The Wars of the Roses had nothing to do with the extinction of these five houses in Roses.The Bonville, Tiptoft, Beaufort, Holland, and Lovell all died during the strife. Oliphant tells the story behind each of these names and how they died to end their ouse. The point that I want to make clear throughout this paper is the fact th at the number of houses that had died out before the Wars of the Roses, clearly outweigh the number of houses that have failed since the beginning of it. Well you might ask, Why did this happen? YouVe gave me numbers and the fact that the Wars of the Roses didn't cause the fail of the English aristocracy, but how did it happen.Oliphant does a great Job of comparing another countries aristocracy to England's. He uses old Scottish houses and what they did compared to what the old English houses did. Two causes have preserved the old Scottish houses from sharing the fate of their English brethren. The first was the prejudice in favour of heirs male, which would not allow the lands of a noble family to be split up among co-heiresses; the second cause was the practice of allotting small estates to younger sons, whereby the chance of always having an heir male at hand was much increased. 7 Showing the old Scottish houses and how they did things like this proves that there was a way to sav e the old English houses, but they failed to do so. Land was a big issue back then and it still is today. The Scottish houses knew that and knew they had to do something to preserve that land. They had to find a way to keep in the heir's family so it wouldn't eventually die out like most of the old English houses did. The next way the Scottish ââ¬Å"preservedâ⬠their houses was the practice of allotting small estates to younger sons.The probability of always having a male take over the heir was a lot higher than if they didn't do this. These are Just some ways that the Scottish houses did to ensure that they didn't run into the same mistake that the English did. To me the English houses didn't invest in themselves very much. They didn't have a back up plan in case something happen to them and they died out. Historians studying this era tend to think that the Wars of the Roses wiped out these houses so they weren't really thinking about investing in themselves.Oliphant proves t hat most of these houses were already died out ten years prior to the war so that assumption is inaccurate. There was a lack of effort in making sure that the houses never died out, but there shouldn't be any excuse for it. They should be prepared for the freak accidents or the natural causes that may come their way for the sake of the house. I believe that it was a little about pride, and the old Scottish aristocracy had that. They were proud of their houses and they wanted to keep it going.The English were to caught up in other things to think about, what happens to the house if something happens to me? What I wanted to get out of this paper was to know more about the War of the Roses and to dig deeper inside the war. I wanted to find something worth arguing about and giving evidence on my point of view. I found out that the English houses started to die out and historians had suggestions for why this was happening. Some had the ame mindset I had, and others thought it was because of the war.I believe that the war had an effect on some of the houses during time, but it didn't have the extinction effect that people said it did. The Wars of the Roses was a great time period and had a lot of conflict that went with it. I'm positive that the conflict did have a little effect on the old English aristocracy dying out, but to say the war was the reason why it was destroyed makes no sense at all. In my opinion it was irresponsible of the men to not something special like the Scottish did, and who knows what the English could have been today. The War of the Roses British Studies THE WAR OF THE ROSES â⬠¢ Introduction â⬠¢ Name of The War of the Roses â⬠¢ Famous people in The War of the Roses â⬠¢ Causes of The War of the Roses â⬠¢ The War of the Roses â⬠¢ The result and impact of The War of the Roses â⬠¢ The summary â⬠¢ Bibliography I. INTRODUCTION T he Middle Age considers one of the most exciting periods in English history. One of the most historical events of medieval era is the Wars of the Roses in the fifteenth century. The Hundred Yearsââ¬â¢ War , in which England lost practically all its lands in France, ended in 1453, but there was no peace in the country.The feudal struggle had broken out and the atmosphere in this country was instable and uncertain leading to the civil war in the fifteenth century. The War of the Roses was a series of dynastic civil war for the throne of England between supporters of two rival branches of the royal house Plantagenet: the house of Lancaster (whose badge was red rose) a nd York (whose badge was white house) from 1455-1485. These thirty years of warfare was even more destructive to England the Hundred yearsââ¬â¢ War that had been in the previous century. Most of the fighting in the Hundred Yearsââ¬â¢ War took place in France, which meant most of the military damage affected in French peasantry rather than the English. In the War of the Roses, most of the fighting occurred in England, and thus the loss of the life and property was much greater for England citizens). Why was the called The War of the Roses? Why did the War of the Roses happen? How it happened? And what was the result? There are many interesting things about this famous war. Letââ¬â¢ discover together. II. THE NAME OF THE WAR OF THE ROSES: ? It is really an exciting name. Why was called the war of the roses?This name was given to the Wars by Tudor historians. The name ââ¬Å"Wars of the Rosesâ⬠refers to the Heraldic badges associated with the two royal houses, the White Rose of York and the Red Rose of Lancaster. [pic] ? However, it is not thought to have been used during the time of the wars. ââ¬â The White Rose was one of the many emblems which were used by King Edward IV as a symbol of his father's right to some lands and a castle in the North. Generally he preferred to use the emblem of the sun and its rays, a reference to the three suns which appeared at the dawn of the day of the battle of Mortimer's Cross 1461.The White Rose only later became accepted as the symbol of the House of York, particularly when Elizabeth of York married King Henry VII, but before then other emblems were in general use by the Yorkists. ââ¬â The Red Rose was the emblem of the House of Tudor, and the Tudors only played a substantial part in the Wars during their final stages. The king Henry Tudor united the two roses to create the Tudor ââ¬Ërose which contain both white rose and red rose after marrying Elizabeth of the York. > Thatââ¬Ës why the war betwe en them got the name the War of the Roses. III. FAMOUS PEOPLE RELATING TO THE WAR OF THE ROSES During the war of the Roses, there are kings or Dukes who contributed main roles in the war. Letââ¬â¢ begin our discovery with the first king of the house Lancaster. â⬠¢ THE HOUSE OF LANCASTER 1. THE KING HENRY IV Reign: 30 September 1399 ââ¬â 20 March 1413 Coronation: 13 October 1399 Predecessor: Richard II Successor: Henry V Henry IV was King of England and Lord of Ireland (1399ââ¬â1413). He was the ninth King of England of the House of Plantagenet. He became the first King of England from the Lancaster branch of the Plantagenet, one of the two family branches that were belligerents in the War of the Roses. 2. THE KING HENRY VReign: 20 March 1413 ââ¬â 31 August 1422 Coronation: 9 April 1413 Predecessor: Henry IV Successor: Henry VI Henry V was King of England from 1413 until his death at the age of 35 in 1422. He was the second English monarch who came from the House o f Lancaster. After military experience fighting various lords who rebelled against his father, Henry IV, Henry came into political conflict with the increasingly ill king. After his father's death, Henry rapidly assumed control of the country and embarked on war with France. Henry IV was a very brilliant king. 3. THE KING HENRY VI Reign :31 August 1422 ââ¬â 4 March 1461Coronation: 6 November 1429 Predecessor: Henry V Successor: Edward IV Henry VI (1421 ââ¬â 1471) was King of England from 1422 to 1461 and again from 1470 to 1471, and disputed King of France from 1422 to 1453. His periods of insanity and his inherent benevolence eventually required his wife, Margaret of Anjou, to assume control of his kingdom, which contributed to his own downfall, the collapse of the House of Lancaster, and the rise of the House of York. 4. THE KING HENRY VII (HENRY TUDOR) Reign: 22 August 1485 ââ¬â 21 April 1509 Coronation: 30 October 1485 Predecessor: Richard III Successor: Henry VIIIHe nry VII (Welsh: Harri Tudur;1457 ââ¬â 1509) was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. Henry won the throne when he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Fiel. He was the last king of England to win his throne on the field of battle. He was successful in restoring the power and stability of the English monarchy after the political upheavals of the Wars of the Roses. He founded a long-lasting dynasty and was peacefully succeeded by his son, Henry VIII, after a reign of nearly 24 years. THE HOUSE OF THE YORK: I. THE KING EDWARD IV Reign: 4 March 1461à ââ¬â 3 October 1470 Coronation: 28 June 1461 Predecessor: Henry VI Successor :Henry VI Edward IV (1442à ââ¬â 1483) was King of England from 4 March 1461 until 3 October 1470, and again from 11 April 1471 until his death. He was the first Yorkist King of England. The first half of his rule was ma rred by the violence associated with the Wars of the Roses, but he overcame the Lancastrian challenge to this throne at Tewkesbury in 1471 to reign in peace until his sudden death. 5. THE KING RICHARD III Reign 26 June 1483 ââ¬â 22 August 1485 Coronation 6 July 1483Predecessor Edward V Successor Henry VII Richard III (2 October 1452 ââ¬â 22 August 1485) was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 during the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. III. CAUSES OF THE WAR OF THE ROSES ? There are three main causes leading to the War of the Roses. ? The first reason is the political crisis (dynastic problems) ââ¬â In 1215, the Norman barons were united with the Saxon nobles and the growing bourgeoisie of the big towns and they took park in the governing in the country.During the Hundred yearsââ¬â¢ war, they built castles with high walls and kept private armies of thousands of men . Realizing the danger with big barons represented to the crown, Edward III tried to marry his sons to their daughters, and the heiresses of the House but this not help to strengthen the position of the House Plantagenet. Then, Henry Bolingbroke seized the crown and became the first king of the Lancaster dynasty, Henry IV (1399- 1413). ; It marked the end of the line of the Plantagenet monarchy and the beginning of the Tudor reign; the end of Medieval England and the beginning of the countryââ¬â¢s Renaissance. However, Henry IVââ¬Ës reign was not an easy one. Having taking the throne by force, he had made many enemies, especially those whose legitimate claim to the throne he had ignored. Henry ââ¬Ës oldest son ( who would became Henry V ) was a brilliant and courageous warrior and was responsible, on many occasion, for putting down major rebellions against his fatherââ¬ârebellions that came from the other side of the family who wanted the throne. Beginning in 1405, Henr y IV suffered from a recurring illness that finally took his life in 1413. ââ¬â Henry V (1387-1422) would go on to secure English-held lands in France and trengthen the bond between the two countries by winning the right to the French, as well as to the English, Crown. Henry V died at a young age in battle in France, leaving a nine-month-old sonââ¬âKing Henry VI. While Henry V was busy fighting wars in France and accumulating wealth for his country, the feudal between the York and Lancaster Houses was subdued. Only one rebellion occurred, and the leader of that rebellion was tried for treason and killed. ââ¬â However, with Henry V's deathââ¬âand only a baby for king, and Henry V's wife, who was not only young but of French bloodââ¬âmembers of both Houses began maneuvering again for power. Henry VI was a weak man, surrounded by poorly managed counselors. Not only did Henry suffer from mental illnesses, he lost most of the land that his father had won in France. Al though Henry VI technically was king of France, he lost all authority in that country. Many English nobles, each with his own powerful army, grew discontent with Henry VI's rule. The interests of the House of the Lancaster supported by the big barons collided with the interests of the lesser barons and merchants of the towns, who support the House of the York. As a result, the feudal struggle grew into an open war between the Lancastrians and the Yorkist.William Shakespeare offers one poetic endorsement of this view: ââ¬Å"My Lord of Hereford [Henry IV] here, whom you call king, Is a foul traitor to proud Hereford's king[Richard II]: And if you crown him, let me prophesy: The blood of English shall manure the ground, And future ages groan for this foul act; Peace shall go sleep with Turks and infidels, And in this seat of peace tumultuous wars Shall kin with kin and kind with kind confound; Disorder, horror, fear and mutiny Shall here inhabit, and this land be call'd The field of G olgotha and dead men's skulls. O, if you raise this house against this house, It will the woefullest division proveThat ever fell upon this cursed earth. â⬠? The second reason, in my opinion, is financial problems and societal changes. ââ¬â The fifteenth century had many changes in society that seriously affected to the war of the roses. The issues increased from the beginning of Henry VI's reign in 1422 with the corruption, public disorder, riots and the maladministration of justice.. After the leadership of King Henry V, ââ¬Å"The Flower of Chivalryâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"Mirror of all Christian Kings,â⬠the weak and placid Henry VI was a great disappointment. >We can see that it was a bad government, militarily ineffective and financially irresponsible.His fool and weakness in governing directed his country down the bloody road of civil war. The king loaded his ministers and friends with gifts and pensions. Many people who were owed money at the Exchequer, such as military commanders, could not collect on their debts because there was not enough money to go around. People lost faith in the courts and turned to threats and violence to gain victory in their disputes. The result is a social climate approaching gangsterism. The social violence before and during the Wars of the Roses is often blamed on a phenomenon known as ââ¬Å"bastard feudalism. â⬠?Finally, I consider the hundred yearââ¬â¢ war affecting to the war of the roses, too. ââ¬â The Wars of the Roses began soon after the Hundred Years War ended. The suggestion that nobles were trying to retrieve fortunes lost in the withdrawal from France does not agree with the evidence. Few major families lost much by the English defeat ââ¬â most of the major magnates were growing wealthier. ââ¬â However, the end of the Hundred Years war did remove one reason for unity within England: foreign war tends to unite people at home. The end of the War also left many unemployed soldier s ââ¬â a destabilizing group in society.Medieval knights and nobles were a military caste, and it was as easy for them to engage in domestic as foreign warfare. IV. THE WAR OF THE ROSE T he war of the roses, which lasted for thirty years (1455-1485), turned into a bitter struggle for the Crown, in which each party murdered every likely heir to the throne of the opposite party. It was a dark time for England, when the Kings and nobles were busy fighting and murdering each other and no time to take care of the common people, who suffered greatly. ? The opening battle of the Wars took place at St Albans in 1455. Richard of York leads a force of about 3,000 on a march toward London.Henry VI moves from London to intercept the Yorkist army. Henry halts his march in the town of Saint Albans and waits. Richard attacks and defeats Henry inflicting about 300 casualties. The Queen and her young son Edward flee into exile. The Yorkist faction also kills the Lancastrian ally Somerset, the pr imary supporter of Henry VI. ? After that, the queen rebelled at these actions, gathered an army around her, and positioned herself outside of York. When the duke learned of this, he went after her, although the queen's troops were double the size of the duke's. The duke's army was easily defeated.In 1459 Richard was killed at the Battle of Wakefield. ? In 1461, the Battle of Towson, one of the bloodiest battles ever fought on English soil at the time, was fought with an estimated 25,000 people dying. Edward's army greatly defeated the queen's army, forcing the queen and king, with their son, to flee to Scotland. That same year, Edward was officially crowned king of England, becoming Edward IV. ? Edward enjoy a few years of peace, but when he married Elizabeth Woodville in secret, he embarrassed Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, who was working to arrange a marriage for Edward with the French king.Edward also disallowed his brothers, Richard and George, to marry Neville's daughters. In 1469, Neville and George fought against Edward. They won a decisive battle, held Edward hostage, killed Edward's father-in-law, and forced Edward to have parliament recognize Edward as an illegitimate king and to give the crown to George. Edward's younger brother, Richard, rescued the king, and Neville and George had to flee to France. ? In France, it was King Louis XI who suggested the alliance of Queen Margaret and Neville. The two agreed, Neville promised his daughter as wife to the queen's son, and returned to England with a powerful army.Edward was defeated and had to flee to Holland and then to Burgundy. Edward, supported by the king of Burgundy, returned to England. Shortly after Neville had paraded Henry VI all over London as the restored king, he was defeated by Edward's new army in 1471. Henry as well as his son were then killed, strengthening Edward's claim to the throne. ? Edward died young, in 1483, leaving his twelve-year-old son heir to the throne. Edward V's reig n lasted only a couple of months. Richard, the uncle to the young king, claimed that his brother (Edward IV) had married Elizabeth illegally and therefore his heirs could not be crowned king.Parliament agreed, and crowned King Richard III in 1483. Edward V was placed in the Tower of London, along with his younger brother, and was never again seen. ? Two years later, in 1485, Richard would meet his death in a battle against Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster; he would become King Henry VII. Henry married Elizabeth of York, the strongest claimant for the throne from the York house, thus securing his position and ending the long Wars of the Roses. [pic]The map of the battles in the War of the Roses (1455-1485) V. THE RESULT AND EFFECTS OF THE WAR OF THE ROSES Historians still debate the true extent of the conflict's impact on medieval English life, and some revisionists suggest that it leaded to many profound changes in England. The most obvious impact is the collapse of the Plantag enet and the raise of the Tudor dynasty. ; Moreover, with their heavy casualties among the nobility, the wars are thought to have continued the changes in feudal English society caused by the effects of the Black Death, including a weakening of the feudal power of the nobles and a corresponding strengthening of the merchant classes, and the growth of a strong, centralized monarchy under the Tudors.It marked the end of the medieval period in England and the movement towards the Renaissance. VI. SUMMARY ? In my opinion, Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and bloodthirsty periods in English and European History with two important events. They are the Hundred Yearsââ¬â¢ War and The War of the Roses which seriously affected to the society, politics, economy and other aspect of England at that time especially the War of the Roses. It marked the end of the line of the Plantagenet monarchy and the beginning of the Tudor reign (118 years) and even the end of Medieval England a nd the beginning of the countryââ¬â¢s Renaissance.It was really an exciting period. I hope that some information above will be useful for all of you during this course and later. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY ? The War of the Rose Evans, HT (introduction by Ralph A Griffiths) ââ¬â Sutton Publishing 1998 ? The Wars of the Roses Gillingham, John ââ¬â Weidenfeld ; Nicholson 2001 ? The Wars of the Roses Griffiths, Ralph A ââ¬â Sutton Publishing 1998 ? Lancaster ; York Ramsay, JH ââ¬â Oxford University Press 1892 QUESTION: 1. Which is considered the first main battle in the war of the roses? a. The battle of St. Albans b. The battle of Barnet c. The battle of Tadcaster d. The battle of Blore Heath 2. enry IV had a famous wife , depends on your point of view, who was this powerful women. a. Margaret of Anjou b. Mary de Guise c. Eleanor of Aquitaine d. Matida of Flanders 3. Richard duke of York was killed at which major battle? a. battle of Doncaster b. Battle of Wakefield c. Battle of Tacaster d. Battle of Sedgemoor 4. how long did the War of the Roses last? a. 10 years b. 30 years c. 50 years d. 100 years 5. this battle is widely thought to have the bloodiest ever fought on England soid. It marked a major Yorkist victory in 1461. which of these is it? a. battle of Hexbam b. Battle of Towton c. Battle of the Tadcaster d.Battle of the Hedgley Moor 6. what color rose was used to represent Lancastrians? a. white b. red c. blue d. black 7. In which century did the wars of the Roses take place ? a. 14th century b. 15th century c. 16th century d. 17th century 8. which foreign power sided with Edward IV during the wars a. Italy b. Spain c. France d. Bungery 9. which of these people was on the Lancastrians side during the war of the Roses? a. Thomas Cromwell b. Margaret of Anjou c. Richard Neville the king maker d. Richard Duke of York 10. Who was the first king of House of Lancaster? a. Richard Duke b. Henry Bolingbroke c. Henry Tudor d. Edward II END [pic][pic]
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Nursing, The Protection, Promotion, And Optimization Of...
Nursing Nursing definition is, the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations (American Nursing Association). Becoming a nurse is much more than just giving a shot, or cleaning up after patients. All throughout history nursing has been a job that is always in perceived in the background. When you go into surgery you thank your doctor for saving your life, and for being able to do whatever procedure you needed. But the ones that are there for you throughout your stay are always the nurses. The one who cleans your wounds, the one that comes in every hour to make sure youââ¬â¢re heart rate and blood pressure are within normal range. Nurses have to physically and mentally be able to treat a patient to the best of their abilities. Both the men and women that are in the nursing field have so many responsibilities and duties, and those duties can get over generalized quiet easy. Nursing goes all the way back to medieval times if not further, although they may of not have gone under the name of ââ¬Ënurseââ¬â¢. Most of the nursing care done in medieval times way by monks or nuns, under churches. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Roles, Social Work And Occupational Therapy - 1717 Words
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The article opens by defining the reason behind the content provided in it, ââ¬Å"The primary purpose of this document is to describe how occupational therapy supports childrenââ¬â¢sRead MoreThe Importance Of Occupational Therapy1315 Words à |à 6 PagesOccupational therapy is a therapeutic approach that promotes the health, well-being, and spirit of every individual regardless of diagnosis or disability. The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process text (2014), defines occupational therapy as, ââ¬Å"the therapeutic use of everyday life activities (occupations) with individuals or groups for the purpose of enhancing or enabling participation in roles, habits, and routines in home, school, workplace, community, and other settingsâ⬠(pgRead MoreEarly Intervention For Young Children1292 Words à |à 6 Pages Early Intervention for Young Children With Sensory Integration Conditions and the Role of an Occupational Therapist Kassandra Griffin Keiser University Early Intervention for Young Children with Sensory Integration Conditions And the Role of an Occupational Therapist Sensory integration is a condition that can be found in young children. This condition is defined as the difficulty of developing motor and cognitive skills at a typical rate(book). If the parent of a child withRead MoreEssay on Introduction to Purposeful Activity1433 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction to Purposeful Activity In Occupational Therapy (OT), ideas and theories go through various modifications. Practitioners dealing with Occupational therapy use craft as therapeutic mechanisms because people do feel that they are capable of accomplishing anything when they prove to themselves that they can do an art and compete it on their own. Crafts vary in their purpose; some deal with self care such as cooking, sewing, cleaning, and mending. Other crafts are generally meant to dealRead MoreThe Effects Of Occupational Therapy On The Health Of Individuals1422 Words à |à 6 PagesOccupational therapy was founded on the principle that participation in meaningful activity is important to the health of individuals. Mental health is very important to the well-being of an individual and those around them. 450 million people experience mental and neurological disorders around the world. These disorders are the leading 5-10 causes of disability worldwide. As services for individuals with mental illness have shif ted from the hospital to the community, there has also been a shiftRead MoreAbstract. Growing Up In The Foster Care System Can Be A1307 Words à |à 6 Pagestrauma to children in the foster care system and how to better assist them once they reach 18. Occupational Therapy Practitionersââ¬â¢ Roles in the Promotion of Health and Wellness for This Population The issues discussed in the study were adolescence with PTSD leaving the foster care system that are transitioning to independent living. Older adolescence leaving the welfare system need an Occupational Therapy Practitioner that will be able to provide a close interpersonal relationship of understandingRead MorePsychological Benefits Of Aquatic Therapy1568 Words à |à 7 Pages Psychological Benefits of Aquatic Therapy Broach and Datillo (1996) states that there is a lack of literature regarding the psychological results of aquatic therapy. Improvements in the areas of body image, self-concept and mood are common. Aquatic therapy is beneficial in the treatment and prevention of depression. If depression decreases than mood will most likely be enhanced by aquatic therapy. Becker (2009) states, aquatic therapy has shown to reduce anxiety as well as promote relaxationRead MoreSchizophrenia Case Study1205 Words à |à 5 Pagesinjectable (LAI) antipsychotic agents can be used if a patient prefers this approach over oral medications or are nonadherence becomes a clinical priority (Galletly et al., 2016). Neurostimulation. One method of neurostimulation is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) which passes a controlled electric current through the brain to induce a brief seizure. A treatment option that can be used alone or in tandem with antipsychotic medications, ECT is documented to have faster rates of improvement during suicidalRead MoreOccupational Therapists And The Occupational Therapy1301 Words à |à 6 PagesTherapy can help many aspects of a persons life. There are different injuries or birth defects that need to be treated to perform everyday activities. A variety of different therapy methods and treatments, depending on the personal weakness, can help improve someoneââ¬â¢s everyday life. Occupational therapists help all ages improve their daily activities. This specific therapy helps rehabilitate people who need ââ¬Å"specialized assistance to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives due to physical
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