Sunday, January 26, 2020
Domestic Violence Against Women In Sri Lanka Sociology Essay
Domestic Violence Against Women In Sri Lanka Sociology Essay Woman is more fitted than man to make exploration and take bolder action in nonviolence There is no occasion for women to consider themselves subordinate or inferior to men.Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably mans superior.If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with women Traditionally Sri Lankan society held women in high esteem though the society was a man dominated. During last few decades it appeared that this situation has been changed and violence against women is increasing rapidly in Sri Lanka as same as the other countries in the world. The first place from where it starts the violence against women is the household where we are living. Among the other form s of violence domestic violence has the top in Sri Lanka. There fore, violence against women has become an issue which needs a quick and definite solution. Most of the people in our society think that domestic violence is a matter that should not revile to the out of the family. Hence domestic violence subsided for a long time without a solution. However it has been formed new legislation for the domestic violence in year 2005. But domestic violence has been increased more than before. This research is aimed at analyzing the possibilities of recurrence of the degrading process of inhuman. Domestic violence against women is mostly based on gender. The team gender mean different things to different people. The world gender comes from the world gender, this, in turn, comes from Latin genus. Both words mean kind, type or sort. 7. This difference in their behavior, attitudes and values that is superimposed on their biological sex is what is meant by them gender. Hence in other words, gender refers to a set of qualities and behavior expected from a female or a male by the society. Biological sex is quite different from gender, as it refers to aspect of the body such as the genitals, hair growth genetic make- up and or hormones. According to the gender characterizations superimposed by society, 8. Male are expected to have the qualities of Devious, Fearless, Impulsive, Honest, Tough, Violent, Heard working, Opportunistic, Insensitive, Extrovert, Dominating, Independent and female are expected to have different qualities as Emotional, Week, Beautiful, Sacrificing, Nurturing, Submissive, Shy, Calm, Polite, Sensitive, Cunning, Soft, Introvert, Compassionate, Enduring, Fearful, Quite, Timid, Tolerant, Dependent 10. These characteristics attribute to each gender are possibly satisfactory from the point of view of the society as a hole. However, when one considers from the point of view of the individual of either genders, it may not be so. Impact sometimes it could be even harmful. Similarly, there are many instances of traditionally imposed characteristics which are disadvantages to the women as well. This is more so in patriarchal societies like ours. 12. It is traditionally accepted that female should do the cooking, looking after the house etc, while the man works in the field. This is satisfactory as long as there is mutual understanding between the women and the man and the decision had been arrived at by mutual consent. Often it is not so. The role of the female has been thrust upon her and she is obliged to perform it even when she is pregnant or ill. It is this traditional compartmentalization of these roles according to gender attributes determined by the society that leads to problems. DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 13. Domestic violence is defined as an abuse of power perpetrated mainly by men against women. The most commonly acknowledge forms of domestic violence are physical and sexual violence, threats and intermediation, emotional and economic abuse. PHYSICAL ABUSE 14. Physical abuse can include slapping, punching, beating, shoving. It can include attempts to harm the victim with weapons, like knives, sticks, or other items found lying in the home. In extreme cases firearms, may also be used to threatened and/ or helm the victim. SEXUAL ABUSE 15. Sexual abuse includes rapes, physically attacking a woman sexual body parts preventing the victim from using birth control and/ or safe sex practices. Rape is forcing woman to have sex against their will, which in many cases involves violence. In all cases it is a violation of an individuals rights her body. EMOTIONAL ABUSE 16 Emotional abuse can includes all intentional attempts to minimize the victims concerns and to make them feel back. Humiliating the victim in front of the other people, family and friends is a common way, this is achieved. PSYCOLOGICAL ABUSE 17. Psychological abuse can include any threats that are made or carried out with the intent of financial or emotional injury, blackmail or humiliation. Threat may be made to take the children away from the woman. ECONOMIC ABUSE 17. Economic abuse creates financial dependence. The victim can have her money taken away by her abuser, forcing her to have to ask for money whenever she needs any thing. INTIMIDIATION 18. Intimidation as a form of abuse can include making the women afraid by using looks, action and gestures, by destroying their property, or by displaying weapons. ISOLATION 19 Isolation can be used to control and limit what the woman does. Whom they see and where they go. The abuser may prevent them from seeing family and friends. USING PRIVILEGE TO CONTROL 20. Using privilege to control is also a Form of abuse. By treating a woman like a servant and having the last word about everything, the abuser is acting like master of the castle. He is defining and rigidly abiding by the traditional roles of men and women THE AGGRIEVED MAY BE a. he father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, stepfather or stepmother b. the son, daughter, grandson, or grand daughter, stepson, stepdaughter c. the brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, step-brother, step-sister d. brother or sister of parent (an uncle or aunt) e. child of a brother or sister f. The child of brother or sister of parent DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAN BE CAUSED BY the spouse b. the ex-spouse c. the cohabiting partner d. parent REASONS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Drunkenness of the aggressor 9. This is a major reason for subjecting wives to domestic violence. Alcohol appears to be the most proximate cause for many type of violence particularly in the rural areas where illicitly brewed alcohol is available in plenty. This is particularly a cause for incest where the father who is drunk, with all his animal instincts bared ,sexually harassed the young and innocent daughter, often with no mother to protect her as she has gone away to earn for the family. Anger 10. Another reason given after battering women by husband ids that. They got angry and beat the wife. The responsibility is given back to the women for irritating him and making him an angry. The common preventive measure prescribe to the wife is not to irritate the husband. Often no advice is given to the husband. However there is no justification whatsoever to convert anger in to violence which makes someone else suffer. It is said that conquer angry by love, conquer evil by good. Financial problems 11. Unemployment, less salaries or wages, housing problems are course to create domestic violence because inability to afford the expenses of the family, still the dowry is also course to create violence. Cycle of the violence 12. The person who has subjected to violence in his childhood or who experienced the violence from their parents can behave as their parents Incense by the victim 13. Sometimes the victims incense their husbands unnecessarily Societal factors creating with the family 14. Mistakes occurs day to day workings of women in the household; problems of children, misunderstandings of the relations of the wife or husband, have subjected to create violence against women. Sexual problems 15. Suspicion of the husband regarding his wife and assuming that an affair has been built his wife with another person, and refusing sexual behaviors of husband when he want are also coursed to create violence against women Cultural factors 16. Dislike to holding key appointments by wife and confine her to the household is also a major problem Structural inequalities 17. Supremacy of men in the household is also caused to create violence against women Extra marital affairs beyond wife or husband CHAPTER STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. Even though traditionally Sri Lankan society holds women in high esteem, it is a favorable increase of domestic violence against women in Sri Lanka. Although enough lows and legislations have been formed in time to time it is not appeared that a decrease of domestic violence against women. 2. Domestic violence is the first action which occurs among the members of a family in side a house hold. This includes various forms of sexual harassments as same as other form of physical harassment, oral or mental abuses. Generally it is not reported mental harassments but it occurs more than other form of harassments with in a household. 3. The domestic violence which takes place in a household mostly targets the women. Domestic violence against women usually does not occur in public. In the public Ladies first is the abstract. Hence it is not detected domestic violence because it appears that all are giving due respect for women. 4. Even though the government and some non government organizations have collected data on this issue they could not be able to make a effective solution for preventing domestic violence against women. JUSTIFICATION 5. Women have to face various type of violence for the sake of being born a woman. This study is mainly focused on ascertaining the reasons for violation against women in Sri Lanka and to make recommendations to overcome the problem. Research findings and recommendations could be vital to the government and respective authorities to make effective solutions to eliminate this violence. A proper analysis carried out may uncover avenues to assist measures in preventing domestic violence against women. 6. Hence, this research could be used to arrive at viable solutions on the issue of domestic violence against women. Later the remedial measures may be included in the national policies depending on the relevance and validity. SCOPE OF THE STUDY 7. There are so many aspects in domestic violation against women. The scope of the study is to find why these things happen and what precautions that can be taken to prevent the domestic violence against women. GENERAL OBJECTIVE 8. To developing a well-mannered family and it adopted to build up a well-mannered nation SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 9. Specific objectives are as follows; To find reasons for the violence and type of violence take place To suggest solutions to prevent domestic violence against women To study the ability to practice the solutions in Sri Lanka To analyze the statistical data HYPOTHESIS 10. Domestic violence against women is unable to prevent by the Law with out making an environment that promote to perform obligations of each others of the family. METHODOLOGY 11. This study will be mainly based on the primary data, which will be collected through questionnaires from a random sample of women to collect the qualitative data and it is to be used the data that has been collected from government and non government organizations concerned this problem in hall the island. The information drawn from the above methods will be used to finalize the report to prove or disprove the hypothesis drawn from the research. CHAPTER III PAST AND THE PRESENT Sri Lankan society has built on Buddhist culture since 2500 years ago. The basic teaching of Buddhism, salvation by ones own effort put forward the spiritual equality of all beings irrespective of gender. Singalowada Sutra at Sutra Pitakaya has defined obligations of a husband and as same as a wife to perform for each others. That taught to respect each others in the family. After introducing open economy, social values which gained from Buddhism have been loosed. It is started to import various goods and services. It created a consumer society in Sri Lanka. Wants of the people were increased. To adapt this society and fulfill these wants women also have to employ to earn money. Further the women has bee used a commercial dummy. This system very much cute to give some mental bribes to women who were missed their social values on money and introduced women rights in lieu of the obligations women. Women are experiencing to win their rights but the love from his husbands .Obligations of husband and only the rights of wives were remained. As a result of this situation, it started to destroy the picture which had drawn in our mind set as a mother, sister, wife and daughter and the violence against women were increased. At present in Sri Lanka, it was estimated that around 60% of women are subjected to domestic violence.* CHAPTER VI LEGISLATIONS TO PROTECT VICTIMS 1. It had not certain legislation for domestic violence in Sri Lakethe penal Code also does not have respective provisions with regard to domestic violence against women. Therefore victims of the domestic violence has to be consider under other general section like section 324- assault or section 311- causing grievous hurt. Although the amendment s to the penal code in 1995 expanded the definition of grievous hurt it did not take in violence against women as a crime. This amendment also did not concern victims who may have suffered only light injuries and those subjected to emotional abuse which exactly points to the entry not decisive by its CEDAE obligations. 2. However the Act made favorable provision in year 2005. The newly passed law on domestic violence is an act to provide for the prevention of any act of domestic violence which may be either physical abuse or emotional abuse between two people who are related. The provision of domestic violence act no 34 of 2005 specify the degrees of relationship. 3. This law is a civil remedy and is gender natural and does not disturb the criminal law remedies as it is not an alternative to the criminal process. This law focuses on ensuring the safety of the aggrieved party. To obtain a protection order you need to apply to the Magistrate Court. You can submit your application through an Attorney at Law or personally or through a Police Officer. 4. Any person against whom an act of domestic violence has been committed or likely to be committed may make an application. Such a person is referred to as an aggrieved person under this Act. An application should be made to the Magistrates Court with in that jurisdiction the aggrieved person resides or the relevant person resides or the act of domestic violence took place. Up on receiving such application the court can consider the application and determine whether an interim protection order is urgently needed to ensure the protection of the aggrieved party Domestic Violence and Women Health 1. Violence as defined by WHO is the intentional use of physical force or power ,threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that either result in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death physical harm, mal development or deprivation 2. The victim s women tend to have many disorder which, when considered superficially, do not appear to be connected to violence. A WHO study done recently identified following complications that could be associated with violence. Bleeding during pregnancy 3. It is now that physical assault can cause bleeding in pregnancy due to partial separation of the after birth (placenta), while the baby is still with in the womb. Low birth weight 4. There are instance where the mothers deliver babies with lower weight than respective their maturity. These babies too face risks the mental stress that the mother undergoes due to violence, effects of passive smoking through husbands smoking are factors leading to the effects of assault. Lack of attention and care 5. It is often seen that the mothers who are victims of violence tend to attend antenatal clinics late or not attend such clinics at all. This late or non attendance is seen at the maternal death reviews where each maternal death is looked into in detail. This leads to not getting necessary care and changing attitudes that permit such abuse, developing legal and policy frameworks to prohibit and reject it, and improving womens access to economic recourses and girls access to education. CHAPTER V THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN Children may test their parent by behaving badly. Children are dependent on adults to tell them what is right and wrong. Children need to feel loved, accepted and safe in their family. This means living in a home where there is no uncertainty when violence may erupt. Children try to make sense out of what happens in the world; to believe that there is a reason for what happens. This may lead them to feel that it is mothers fault that she is beaten. They may think that it is their fault. They may feel guilty that they cannot help parents. They may take fathers side because they feel safer to be on the side of power. This may happen more with male children. Though children rose in violent homes are at risk for perpetrating or experiencing violence in their adulthood. CHAPTER VII THE WAY THE BUDDHIST TEACHINGS 5. Buddhism condemns any form of violence in no uncertain terms. Buddhist teaching Buddhist teaching extends beyond the universals Buddhist concept of ahimsa or non violence and provides directions for the lay followers to live a happy, peaceful and fruitful life with out conflicts in the family with in the boundaries of dharma. 6. When one considers the fundamental principals elaborated in Buddhism, one cannot see a gender distinction. The three universal characteristics (tilakkana) which are anicha, dukka, anathema are common to both genders alike. The Ariya Attangika Magga, the path that is to be followed for emancipation, is available to both genders and it is to be followed in the same manner by both genders. Hence emancipation or Nibbana is common and is attainable by both genders that follow the right path. When facts are so, the logical conclusion is that, in Buddhism there is no gender equality. However, when it comes to interpretation of the Buddhist doctrinal issues, at times, this fundamental Buddhist social principle is not very clearly presented. The attitudes towards gender as depicted in the Pail Canon reflect the attitude towards gender with in the society at the time of the Buddha, as well as the Buddhist attitudes towards it. It is also accepted that there are contributions from sources ot her than the Buddha eighth in the Canon 7. When we are analyzing the problem of domestic violence against women it appears that the fault is always transferred only towards the men. All the good men and women raised their fingers towards men. Actually this society is a man dominated society. Men always try to maintain the supremacy. Further he has got some strength more than woman by the nature. The true love can collapse these barrios to live together for man and woman until the end of the life. But unfortunately the social system which we have to face restrict to the peace of the family. Therefore both man and women should have responsibilities and obligations for each others to strengthen their family. The Lord Buddha preaches following responsibilities and obligations for the exemplary family. Five Kinds of Duty for a Husband à à à à à a. A husband must be kind to and adore his wife à à à à à b. He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner. à à à à à c. He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women. à à à à à d. He must give her control and authority over domestic matter. à à à à à e. He must provide his wife with garments and ornaments. Five Kinds of Duty for a Wife à à à à à a. A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly. à à à à à b. She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husbands relatives. à à à à à c. She must not engage in sexual misconduct wife other men. à à à à à d. She must keep and maintain all things orderly that are handed over by her husband. à à à à à e. She must be skillful and diligent in all her house works. 8. If this code of conduct is adhered to there is no room for domestic violence to occur. But what usually happens is completely disregarding thee need to remind men of their deities CHAPTER VIII ANALYSIS 1. At present there is no systematic mechanism for data collection in relation to the prevalence, causes and consequences of violence against women and there are no disaggregated statistics available concerning intimate partner violence. However records of complaints to womens organization assisting women affected by domestic violence, police statistics and newspaper reports suggest a higher prevalence of intimate partner violence. Recent studies on this subject estimate the prevalence to be between 18.3% and 60% in Sri Lanka. Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Incidences 791 895 1020 1208 1514 2015 2688 3154 3207 3612 4523 2. Following statistics in respect of domestic violence against women in whole the island receive from Women In Need (WIN), which provides free counseling and legal advice to victims of domestic violence shows an idea of resent trend of violence against women in Sri Lanka. 3. Above chart shows that the number of personnel who has got leagle advises from Women in Need each years. It clearly indicate that the number of personnel who have got advices for domestic violence from Women in Need has increased rapidly year by year. 4. Although the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act came in to operation from 3rd October 2005 it appearse that problrems regarding domestic violence against women. Actually it has been increased. Therefore it is difficult to say that the law is an effective one to prevent domestic violence against women in Sri Lanka. Legal Advices Colombo Kandy Matara Badulla Anuradapura Jaffna Puttalam New 1844 627 422 396 265 31 282 Repeat 2679 316 2028 1015 1009 242 315 Total 4523 943 2450 1411 1274 273 597 5. The chart shows that the number women who faced domestic violence and request consultant from the Women in Need from January to October in year 2009. 4523 person have got consult and Most of them have got consultant at the repeat list. If there is a new provision in the law to solve domestic violence against women and they have got legal consultations why they came again and again to get legal consultation is a problem. 6. According to the questioners it appears that Sri Lankan women dont like to tell their problems out of the household and they always think about the future their children. Most of the women married with love affairs and someone married with out the authority of their parents. Therefore they have a problem to tell even their parents. 7. After established the prevention of domestic violence against Act Child and women bureau has started to get entries regarding domestic violence. But in 2009 only the 236 incidents were reported and 55 incidents have been reported from January to September in 2010 in the entire Island. CHAPTER IX RECOMMENDATIONS 1. After introducing liberalization policies in year 1977 in Sri Lanka media played tremendous role to change attitudes of the nation towards traditional women and to collapse her traditional values. Hence it has been proved that the media can do a major role to change attitudes of the nation. Therefore it is recommended to use media on the authority of the government to create well planed public awareness program to respect all women as a mother. 2. Another responsible party is business world who sole women in Sri Lanka with their goods and services by advertisement. Therefore it is recommended to contribute them to make a social marketing campaign to change attitudes of the nation towards women as a must. 3. Government should take an action to cohabit Tele-dramas which make people to experiencing hate to each others. 4. It is recommended to start school level awareness programs to educate girls and boys regarding the expected qualities of male and female and to teach to patience others opinions. Buddhist and other religious teachings regarding the family life and obligations of each person who are playing a separate role with in a family should be thought. Through this awareness programs it is able to deliver these massages to their parents also. 5. Police or the respective authorities should make a mechanism to collect data with regard to the complaint of domestic violence against women separately and d. 6. Awareness programs should plane for the public to inform quickly regarding domestic violence incidences that take place in the next door to the police and obtain their assistance immediately. 7. Domestic violence should be considered as a health issue and specialist doctors should attached to the hospitals to treat victims of domestic violence. Police officers who got complaints of the victims of violence should educate and trained to treat them in a supportive manner. 8. The education system that has been focused only to the examinations and competition should change and should buildup a nation who has humanity. 9. Try to provide care for them with emotionally sound adults with whom they can relate. 10. It will help them to see adults who can settle differences without abuse or violence. It is important for them to see adults who respect each other. 11. Accept that you are not perfect. Do not feel guilty about it. Keep doing your best and be open to change and learning new ways. 12. Remember that your children need to be able to depend on you. Dont depend on them to act as your partner. Let them to be dependent. Encourage them to have friends and activities in a new community as soon as you settle. Friendship can help them to regain security. They need to belong too. 13. At past Sri Lankans has experienced to go to temple to solve their problems because they know that the venerable monks have solutions all the problems they have. There fore people got solutions with out bias for anyone. Hence again it is useful l to start that past experience. CHAPTER X CONCLUSION 1. Four type of married life is described In the Pathama Sutra Sanvasa Sutra of the Anguttara Nikaya. a. Foolish man with foolish women b. Foolish man with a goddess c. A Good with foolish women d. A good with a Goddess 2. The last being the best and is being encouraged. 3. It is important to note that in this sutra, the qualities of man and women have been giving equal prominence and in no way the man considered superior. Further this sutra explains how the ideal wife and husband could continue their relationship to the next birth. 4. If both have equal saddha, sila, cage and panna, they will meet in the next birth too. 5. As shown as the data analysis it is unable to prevent domestic violence but punish someone aggressor who committed a violence by the law. According to this Analysis only way that can prevent Domestic violence against women is fulfilling obligations described in this research to each others. Therefore a government also should have an obligation to create a fair environment with in the country to make well mannered nation without violence.
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